About FxDSP

FxDSP is a DSP library written in C for audio processing and synthesis. The library supports both single- and double-precision calculations, and uses vectorized instructions where possible.

FxDSP contains a set of objects which are building blocks for audio processing and synthesis applications.


FxDSP cam be built and installed on most platforms using CMake.

# From the top-level FxDSP directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../FxDSP
make && make install

On Mac OSX FxDSP can be built and installed using the included XCode project.


FxDSP is written in an object-oriented style. Each module has an object type and a set of functions that act on that object. Here’s an example:

#include "FxDSP/CircularBuffer.h"

// Pointers to input and output buffers
float* in;
float* out;

unsigned buffer_length = 1024;

// Create an instance of a CircularBuffer "object"
CircularBuffer* buffer = CircularBufferInit(buffer_length);

// Write 128 samples to the circular buffer
CircularBufferWrite(buffer, in, 128);

// Read 64 samples from the circular buffer
CircularBufferRead(buffer, out, 64);

// Delete the circular buffer

The double-precision version is nearly identical, with a “D” added to the end of each object type and function name:

#include "FxDSP/CircularBuffer.h"

// Pointers to input and output buffers
double* in;
double* out;

unsigned buffer_length = 1024;

// Create an instance of a CircularBuffer "object"
CircularBufferD* buffer = CircularBufferInitD(buffer_length);

// Write 128 samples to the circular buffer
CircularBufferWriteD(buffer, in, 128);

// Read 64 samples from the circular buffer
CircularBufferReadD(buffer, out, 64);

// Delete the circular buffer